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por Yanika Bugeja

summer homework unusual essay heard carefully blankets afraid bottle sensation cupboard wizard closer leather hand secret real glasses parchment

Harry Potter was a highly boy in many ways . For one thing , he hated the holidays more than any other time of year . For another , he really wanted to do his but was forced to do it in , in the dead of night . And he also happened to be a . It was nearly midnight , and he was lying on his stomach in bed , the drawn right over his head like a tent , a flashlight in one and a large - bound book ( A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot ) propped open against the pillow . Harry moved the tip of his eagle - feather quill down the page , frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his , " Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless discuss . " The quill paused at the top of a likely - looking paragraph . Harry Pushed his round up the bridge of his nose , moved his flashlight to the book , and read : Non - magic people ( more commonly known as Muggles ) were particularly of magic in medieval times , but not very good at recognizing it . On the rare occasion that they did catch a witch or wizard , burning had no effect whatsoever . The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle , tickling . Indeed , Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than fortyseven times in various disguises . Harry put his quill between his teeth and reached underneath his pillow for his ink and a roll of . Slowly and very he unscrewed the ink bottle , dipped his quill into it , and began to write , pausing every now and then to listen , because if any of the Dursleys the scratching of his quill on their way to the bathroom , he'd probably find himself locked in the under the stairs for the rest of the summer .

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