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ESPA Present simple

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ESPA Present simple

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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ESPA Present simpleVersión en línea

ESPA Present simple

por Ali Babá

get go breakfast arrive wake go play take up work up back cook drive greet get have go

My daily routines

I every day at 7 am . After that I and I to the bathroom to brush my teeth .
Then I with my wife and kids . At 8 am I to work .

When I arrive at work I the receptionist and I the lift to the third floor . I head to my office and I until 12 pm to have lunch with my colleagues . After that I to work . At 5pm I my car to the supermarket to buy food . After that I at home . I videogames with my kids and at 9pm we dinner . After the supper we to bed .

And these are my daily routine s

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