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Muscular tissue

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Be able to identify muscle tissue !

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Muscular tissue Versión en línea

Be able to identify muscle tissue !

por Chastity Grimes

position stabilized Extensible Movement system storage muscular elastic muscles 4 maintain Themogenesis substance Concentration movement Contractile body substance Movement

There are properties of muscular tissue . Electrical excitability refers to the ability of a muscle to respond to stimuli . refers to the ability of a muscle to shorten in response to a action potential . allows a muscle to stretch without energy . The in a muscle allows it to recover its original shape . The contraction and relaxation of muscles produce movement is apart of body . of muscles at the joints all over the body control this also regulates the degree of each joint , this is called joints . When you it allows us to have good posture and position . Smooth and skeletal muscle enables certain substances t be kept within one place this is called of . of is when the cardiac and smooth muscle relaxes and regulates blood flow , lymph floe and venous returns . allows contacting muscles to produce heat as a byproduct . of permits both verbal and non - verbal expression is can be identified as communication muscular system .

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