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Reported speech-completar

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Completar las siguientes oraciones con sus transformaciones en Reported speech.

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Reported speech-completarVersión en línea

Completar las siguientes oraciones con sus transformaciones en Reported speech.

por Angie Montoya

had be study studied had waiting might been been could had arrived read had to had was

" She studies English . " ? she English .

" I am waiting for my sister . " ? he for his sister .

" I have read the note . " ? he the note .

" She has been studying English . " ? she studying English .

" Kate arrived on Monday morning . " ? Kate on Monday morning .

" She was studying English . " ? she studying English .

" She can study English . " ? she English .

" It may be a good proposal . " ? it a good proposal .

" I must brush my teeth . " ? he brush his teeth .

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