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The 1st , 6th, and 12th ribs.

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In the game you will define the differences between the 1st, 6th, and 12th rib.

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The 1st , 6th, and 12th ribs. Versión en línea

In the game you will define the differences between the 1st, 6th, and 12th rib.

por Chastity Grimes

short posterior thoracic 8 slender twelve curved short tubercle coastal neck flat verebrae neurovascular grove 6th

there are part of each rib , each which articulate on the . The 1st rib is broad flattened and marked . It has for different parts , the head articular facet of the head , , tubercle . The head is small and rounded , it is located aspect of the rib . The rib is atypical rib it has a head neck and shaft . the 6th rib has parts to it . The shaft is thin and curved . As well as the is on the lower part of the aft is accommodates the intercostal bundle . The 12 rib in a bone . it has 3 different parts it is made up of . The shaft is very short without a .

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