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Fill in the blanks!

por Tika

hangs does see tells Do attacks flies lives looks save push captures look watch fly happens sees find

Girl : So , what to Yogi and Woody now ?
Boy : You know what ? Druindo Yogi , Woody , and the princess . But , Yogi can the princess out of the way .
Girl : Are they all safe ?
Boy : No . Druindo Yogi and away .
Girl : How about Woody and the princess ?
Boy : They're all right , but they can only Yogi and Druindo away .
Girl : How do they Yogi ?
Boy : First , they both go to Druindo's home .
Girl : Where is he ?
Boy : He in Wandora's hut in the middle of Fiddley Forest . Wandora is a witch and Druindo is her pet .
Girl : Woody and the princess Yogi there ?
Boy : Well , Woody is very brave and he upside down above the window to look through it .
Girl : And ?
Boy : He the princess that he can see Yogi . Yogi is in a cage ! Poor boy !
Girl : What else can Woody ?
Boy : He can also see Druindo .
Girl : What he like ?
Boy : Druindo is actually half - wolf and half - dragon , but it stupid . Oh , and Woody also Wandora .
Girl : What is she like ?
Boy : Eww , she's ugly !
Girl : And then ?
Boy : Be patient , girl .

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