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Reproductive system

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A Great game to learn the reproductive system

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Reproductive systemVersión en línea

A Great game to learn the reproductive system

por Chastity Grimes

secondary chromosomes epididymis transported chromosomes Spermatogenesis 74 46 sperm male tubules cytoplasm 23

, the origin and development of the cells within the male reproductive organs , the testes .

Within the walls of the , also , are many randomly scattered cells , called
Sertoli cells .

One immature germ cell takes as long as days to reach final maturation , and during this growth process there are intermittent resting phases .

The primary sperm cells then develop somewhat by increasing the amount of ( substances outside of the nucleus ) and structures called organelles within the cytoplasm .

n the nucleus of the primary sperm cells there are ; in each of the sperm cells there are only , as there are in the egg .

Once the sperm has matured , it is through the long seminiferous tubules and stored in the of the testes until it is ready to leave the body .

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