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How honest are you?

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How honest are you? Ss discuss some questions and complete the gaps in order to understand each question.

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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How honest are you?

How honest are you? Ss discuss some questions and complete the gaps in order to understand each question.

Sara García González

has lie honest forgery own truth up truthfully tell cheated pretend

cheated , forgery , honest , lie , own up , pretend , tell , truth , truthful

1 . You´re having dinner at a friend´s house . The friend serves a dish that you really don´t like , and says ? I hope you like it' . Would you to like it ?

2 . A friend has a new haircut . You think it looks terrible . Your friend asks : ? What do you think of my new hair cut ? ' Would you answer ?

3 . A friend has fallen in love with somebody you don´t like . Your friends ask you what you think of this person . Would you be with your friend ?

4 . You accidentally crack a valuable ornament at somebody´s house . Nobody sees you do it . Would you ?

5 . You know that a classmate in an exam . Your teacher suspects that this is the case , and asks you if you know anything . What would you say ?

6 . A relative gives you a shirt as a present . You don´t like it , so you give it away . The relative then asks you how often you wear the shirt . Would you a lie ?

7 . You buy a ticket for a big football match from a stranger . Later you notice that it´s a . Do you still try to get into the match ?

8 . You´re at a boring party and you decide to leave . The host , who isn´t a close friend , asks you why you are leaving . Would you tell the ?

9 . You and your parents are planning a surprise birthday party for your grandfather this Saturday . Your grandfather asks you if you have any plans for the weekend . Would you to your grandfather ?