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Present simple - affirmative

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Some more practice

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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Present simple - affirmativeVersión en línea

Some more practice

por alda caiado

does wants plays goes works watch sleeps start eats like have go scores is hates

1 . My brother the piano .
2 . I music .
3 . Raquel to school early .
4 . Rafael his homework after school .
5 . My friends tennis on TV .
6 . Our cats on the sofa .
7 . Janet never pizza . She it .
8 . Jason and I football practice three times a week .
9 . Your sister and you usually shopping together , don't you ?
10 . Ronaldo a lot of goals . He's a great football player .
11 . Linda in a hospital . She a nurse .
12 . Martina to be a businesswoman and her own business .

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