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Complete the postcard with the simple present tense or present continuous tense of the verbs in

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Complete the postcard with the simple present tense or present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

por hiolin chang

love see seem prefer need is not am does sitting drinking promise smells eating feels am wish taste

Complete the postcard with the simple present tense or present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets .

Hi Jamie
Greetings from Hong Kong ! Right now , I ( 1 ) in a
traditional cha chaan teng , a type of casual restaurant . Inside the restaurant ,
it ( 2 ) cool from the air - conditioning , but I can't believe
how hot it is outside ! I ( 3 ) to carry a portable fan to
cool myself off .

At the restaurant , I ( 4 ) French toast and ( 5 )
a cup of Hong Kong - style milk tea . I ( 6 ) the French
toast ! It's very thick and crunchy . I even ( 7 ) it to Mum's
French toast ! ( Please ( 8 ) not to tell her I said so . ) I also
like the tea a lot ? it ( 10 ) very fragrant and it ( 11 ) bitter .

This morning we went to The Peak . From there , you ( 12 ) all
the way to the Kowloon side . Although the city ( 13 ) noisy and
busy , the green mountains in the distance ( 14 ) so peaceful .

Hong Kong is amazing ! I ( 15 ) you were here
with me to experience it too .
Chri s

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