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African flags

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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African flagsVersión en línea

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por Fer Miranda

Star Ghana yellow population Guinea Guinea red Bissau Red Bissau Guinea Bissau black yellow green green Line Islamic first Benin Ghana Guinea star green Ghana star Black Guinea red yellow

was the African state that chose to use traditional Pan - African colors ( red , yellow and green ) , but , Benin and have that too .
The in the flag must refer to the shipping company , whose mission was to return the to their continent of origin , just and have the in their flags .
for and the stripe recalls the blood shed during the struggle for freedom , the stripe refers to the mineral wealth of the country , and the indicates the lush forests and local freedom .
For the symbolizes and attracts abundance to the country , the band , calls for courage from the inhabitants of the nation and finally , the represents hope .
For is identified with the blood spilled in the colonial occupation and in the independence movement . Instead , represents the mineral and solar wealth of the country , while does the same , but with national vegetation and religion .

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