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A&C1. U2. Activity 10

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Lines and their meanings. Each line has its personality, character and emotive properties. You are going to discover what they are right now. Listen to the audio.

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Edad recomendada: 12 años
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A&C1. U2. Activity 10

Lines and their meanings. Each line has its personality, character and emotive properties. You are going to discover what they are right now. Listen to the audio.

Carmen Martínez

direction Diagonal Thick Vertical different action relaxation contour danger movement power details energy paper stability Horizontal intense thin curved

With a pencil and a piece of you can make many lines , and these lines can express different meanings and feelings . For instance , lines are delicate , they are useful for adding to an image , and they suggest fragility . lines are strong , they are good for drawing the of objects , and they suggest strength and .

lines look like they are quiet and sleeping , so they suggest and calm . lines are good for representing height , tall buildings and they suggest , dignity and religious feelings . lines are full of and convey and motion . Wavy and lines bend and change direction . They express . Finally , zigzag lines change very quickly . They suggest excitement and movement , so they can show and destruction .