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DAILY ACTIVITIESVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

por Jose Quiroga

at for often to After After usually weekdays from midnight in usually

On ( from Monday to Friday ) , I wake up at seven . I have a shower , and then I have breakfast . I have a white coffee and toast for breakfast , but some days I have biscuits or cookies ! ( People in the USA say " cookies " and people in the UK say " biscuits " . ) breakfast I get dressed and I go to work at quarter past eight . I walk the train station . That's about ten minutes . I get the train at 8 . 30 and I get to Atocha train station at ten to nine , and then I walk to my office .

I start work nine . I work nine to two , and from three to six in the afternoon . I have lunch my office . I have a sandwich and a piece of fruit . Sometimes I have a cereal bar , too ! work , I go shopping for food and things the house . I get home before half past seven . I rest a bit , and then I do some housework . At about nine I cook dinner for my family and me . We have dinner at half past nine . After that , we watch TV or I read a book . I usually go to sleep in front of the TV set or the book ! I'm very tired !

I go to bed at .

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