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Past Simple To Be - Medium

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Complete the sentences with the correct words

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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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Past Simple To Be - MediumVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the correct words

por Judith López Cano

were were were wasn't were was was was was wasn't was

1 . What you like ?

2 . Who your best friend ?

3 . Naomi and her sister outside the restaurant .

4 . A cat inside the red car .

5 . Marta late for school on Monday .

6 . It easy for all the students .

7 . The teacher happy ; he really angry beacuse of our bad behavior .

8 . Mark and Linda the tallest people in our class .

9 . My aunt at hospital yesterday morning .

10 . We in a Chinese restaurant last night .

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