Book
Review
Kim
.
Sprayberry
,
.
Edward
Robinson
(
Eds
.
)
,
Robinson's
Current
Therapy
in
Equine
Medicine
Volume
,
Elsevier
,
St
.
Louis
,
,
ISBN9781455745555
,
pp
.
;
£114
(
hard
)
,
£91
.
(
)
,
£73
.
(
online
download
)
.
This
is
the
seventh
volume
in
this
excellent
series
and
is
also
available
as
a
downloadable
-
book
.
The
contents
have
been
very
well
thought
out
to
cover
both
current
concerns
and
the
latest
therapeutic
advances
in
equine
medicine
,
with
individual
topics
contributed
by
over
recognised
authors
.
The
stated
aim
throughout
this
book
to
provide
a
concise
reference
source
of
new
information
on
the
management
of
selected
equine
disorders
that
have
seen
significant
advances
over
the
last
years
.
The
book
that
goal
by
providing
interesting
and
largely
very
readable
information
on
a
wide
variety
of
topics
that
will
be
encountered
by
veterinarians
working
with
horses
,
ponies
and
donkeys
on
a
regular
basis
.
On
receipt
of
this
volume
for
review
,
a
trial
was
run
to
see
if
the
next
month's
difficult
and
demanding
cases
encountered
in
a
mixture
of
ambulatory
and
hospital
equine
practice
could
be
positively
assisted
by
the
information
provided
.
It
is
a
pleasure
to
report
that
this
was
an
almost
complete
success
.
The
source
and
content
consistently
provided
further
helpful
and
contributory
information
.
Recognising
that
it
is
impossible
to
include
everything
,
this
reviewer
would
like
to
make
some
suggestions
for
volume
!
Inclusion
of
a
section
on
equine
dentistry
would
be
very
helpful
,
since
this
is
a
very
common
practice
challenge
,
in
particular
?
equine
odontoclastic
tooth
resorption
and
hypercementosis
(
)
'
.
More
information
on
coronavirus
outbreaks
in
adult
horses
and
equine
atypical
myopathy
would
also
be
helpful
.
Such
omissions
are
minor
complaints
and
,
in
any
case
,
understandable
,
especially
if
there
is
not
an
appropriate
body
of
published
literature
available
.
Reading
this
book
,
one
is
confident
that
every
chapter
accurate
information
based
on
scientific
evidence
.
The
problem
with
published
textbooks
in
the
modern
world
is
that
?
online'
publications
are
emerging
so
rapidly
that
it
is
impossible
to
be
fully
up
to
date
in
a
printed
volume
.
Despite
that
inevitable
issue
,
there
is
a
lot
of
valuable
material
in
this
book
with
comprehensive
reviews
on
topics
that
all
of
us
might
think
we
had
fully
understood
,
yet
reading
the
relevant
section
both
excellent
revision
and
expands
one's
knowledge
.
This
is
a
book
that
provides
authoritative
updates
on
a
very
wide
range
of
topics
with
an
outstanding
array
of
expert
authors
.
The
book
to
the
information
included
in
the
previous
six
editions
.
It
may
be
indicative
of
the
reviewer's
age
,
that
the
whole
series
of
volumes
of
Current
Therapy
in
Equine
Medicine
a
prominent
position
within
easy
reach
on
my
study
bookshelves
.
All
the
volumes
have
been
well
thumbed
and
are
regularly
consulted
.
The
latest
volume
is
an
excellent
addition
to
the
collection
and
also
to
have
a
clearer
index
than
some
of
its
predecessors
,
the
high
standards
of
those
that
have
gone
before
it
.
This
is
a
volume
which
makes
it
easier
to
use
and
faster
to
access
.
This
book
is
a
really
worthwhile
addition
to
the
reference
sources
for
any
equine
practitioner
and
provides
up
to
date
,
practical
and
interesting
clinical
information
.
The
recommendation
is
to
buy
it
and
read
it
?
not
from
cover
to
cover
in
one
sitting
,
of
course
,
but
to
dip
into
when
more
information
or
an
update
is
needed
on
a
tricky
case
.
The
reader
will
learn
more
and
will
really
benefit
from
it
,
as
will
the
horses
under
treatment
.
It
is
a
really
worthwhile
investment
.
Karen
Coumbe
Bell
Equine
Veterinary
Clinic
,
Mereworth
,
near
Maidstone
,
Kent
,
.
-
mail
address
:
karen
.
m
.
coumbe@saqnet
.
co
.
uk
http
:
/
/
dx
.
doi
.
org
/
.
/
j
.
tvjl
.
.
.
The
Veterinary
Journal
(
)
e