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por Jesus LOBO

fighting Arizona Indian Big goats Navaho goats mountain mountains Bear

This story is about a shepherd named Big Bear .
Long ago in Navaho Land , what is now and New Mexico , Big Bear lived in a
picturesque one - room home made of logs chinked with adobe mud . His house was called a
Hogan . Big Bear was an honest man who kept his word , hoed his corn , and lived at peace with
the world . Big Bear kept two Billy at his Hogan in the winter , but when summer came he
decided to take them to the where the pasture was good . He turned them loose in a
spot where the grass was green and tender .
But the goats did not eat . They jumped toward each other and started . Crack went their
horns . Big Bear tried to separate them . He pushed and pulled and scolded them , but he could not
make them part . At last , the first snow of winter began to fall , and Big Bear went to his
Hogan in the valley . When the snow melted in the spring , returned to fetch his
goats' home . He found them just where he had left them the year before , and they were still
fighting . The ground was torn up and their fine horns were worn to dust . Their heads were gone
too . They were butting each other with their necks . Big Bear returned to his Hogan in the valley
without his two Billy . A year later he again went to the . There were the Billy
goats in the same spot , fighting as hard as ever . The ground was more torn up than before , and
the necks and chests of the animals were gone . They were punching each other with thir bodies .

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