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A brief story of koalas

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A brief story of koalasVersión en línea

Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the given words.

por Marta Garcia Garcia

were until know expedition naturalists are in Species was on given were was killed no on is came are were been is or protested

In the days before Europeans to Australia , there many more Koalas than there now .

Since European settlement in 1788 , much of the Koala's bushland has cleared for farms , towns , roads , mines and logging , leaving many Koala populations with homes food .

From the early 1800's the 1920's , millions of Koalas hunted and for their furs . Many people upset about this and to the government , and eventually the Koala made a Protected in all states by 1937 . This means that no one allowed to harm a Koala . However , there no laws to protect the gum trees which Koalas rely for food and shelter .

John Price , a servant of Governor Hunter , the first European to record Koalas January 26 ( Australia Day ! ) 1798 during an to the Blue Mountains .

In 1814 , the Koala was the scientific name phascolarctos cinereus , meaning ? ash - grey pouched bear' , by French and German .

Today we that the Koala not a bear . It is a marsupial .

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