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Adjetives -ed and -ing

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Read the text and complete it with the correct adjectives.

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
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Adjetives -ed and -ingVersión en línea

Read the text and complete it with the correct adjectives.

por Carolina sosa

overwhelmed disappointed amazing offended astonished inspiring exhausting delighted horrified terrifying surprised bewildered confused devastated

A . What did you think of the flim ?
To be honest , I was a bit

B . You weren't by what I said , were you ?

C . What don't you understand in the report ?
I'm just completely by so many facts and figures .

D . Were you to hear that the boss is leaving ?
I was .

E . So you can come to dinner next week ?
Yes , it would be to !

F . My parents felt when they knew that Susan and I had separated .

G . How did you feel when you heard the news ?
I was .

H . So do you like the watch ?
I love it I'm completely

I . It's an movie ! I want to watch it again !

J . She's really about her feelings with John .

K . Doing exercise is really .

L . Speaking in public is really

M . What are you reading ?
An book ! I love it !

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