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Unit 5 Out in the Open sanastoharjoittelua. Valitse lauseisiin sopivat sanat.

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Unit 5 Out in the Open sanastoharjoittelua. Valitse lauseisiin sopivat sanat.

por Sini Margit

bit end bandage hike soaked open big ankle parrot carried slipped bleeding altitude tent blister

We went for a . I the hiking gear . I had a huge on my heel and the made me feel dizzy . My friend and fell . He twisted his . I had forgotten to bring the . We slept out in the . A bird him while we were having breakfast . I wrapped some around the finger . The stopped . There was a storm . We got completely . The stole a sausage . At this rate we'll up in hospital !

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