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Daily routines

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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Daily routinesVersión en línea

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por Emma Nadal Roberts

brush walk up eleven hair breakfast morning play finish past dressed weekends grandparents get brother name o'clock from books comedy

Hello , my is Emma . I am years old . I am Mallorca . I live with my parents and my .
I at seven o'clock in the from Monday to Friday . I my teeth . I have toast and orange juice for . I get at half seven . I clean my face and brush my . I go to school at eight o'clock . I start school at nine o'clock . I school at two o'clock . I have luch at school . After school I go to Music classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from five to half past six . On the I visit my , go to the beach , stay at home or go for a with my family .
I like playing the saxophone , I the saxophone in a band . I love horse riding , I have won many competitions . I enjoy films and mistery .

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