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Force and Work

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Force and WorkVersión en línea

Force and Work fill in the blanks

por Hugh Moyna

weight work Friction mass Weight move to weightlessness brakes lubrication distance force extension Mass reaction gravity mass due Hooke's force opposite action acceleration

In this unit I learned that a causes something to . To find force we multiple and . I also learned that Newton's Third Law states that for every there is an equal and . is the amount of matter in a body . Mass is always constant . I also learned that and are not the same . is the force of gravity acting on a body . This is why astronauts experience in space . is the force which opposes motion . There are useful examples of friction such as in car . However , if we want to reduce friction we use a technique called . I also learned a key relationship between the force applied to an elastic object and the of this object . This is also known as Law . Finally I learned that is done when a moves an object over a certain .

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