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Course of World War 2

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World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45.

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Course of World War 2

World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45.

Luis Castellanos

Poland Poland Russia bombings blitskrieg capitulated London neutrality morale Leningrad Barbarossa west France Stalingrad Winter clothing Belgium Netherlands southern

On September 28 , 1939 , Germany and the Soviet Union invaded and divided . After the invasion of , German forces moved to Denmark and Norway . After the winter Germany used the another time against these two countries on April 9 , 1940 . They fell . Then Hitler went to the , toward Netherlands , Belgium and France . Netherlands and Belgium were taken easily . French and British forces - the latter already deployed in France - were taken by surprise . This happened because expected Germany to cross the Maginot Line . The campaign against the Low Countries ( and ) and France lasted less than six weeks . German troops kept advancing and finally Paris , the French capital , fell to the Germans on June 14 , 1940 . France signed an armistice with Germany on June 22 . Germany occupied northern France and the border with Spain . A new French government was established in the town of Vichy , which was in the unoccupied part of France . The Vichy government declared in the war between Germany and Great Britain , but was committed by the armistice to cooperate with Germany . After the Battle of France , the Germans viewed the defeat of Britain's Royal Air Force ( RAF ) as a prerequisite for an invasion of the British Isles . Germany started a series of in British soil . Particularly severe for the population and its morale was the bombing of , known as the Blitz . On October 12 , Hitler announced the operation was postponed for the winter , and long before the arrival of spring he decided to stop the invasion of Britain and turn to the east against . On June 23 , 1941 , Operation was set in motion . German troops move to the interior of the Soviet Union , capturing . Later in , the Red Army attacked the flanks of the German forces and surrounded them . got worse , and the Soviet encirclment began to shrink , Germans troops didn't have winter , and help never came . The 6th Army finally - this is the first German army to capitulate . This event will boost the Soviet .