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Ada Lovelace's short biography

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In this activity, students will have to complete with Ada Lovelace's biography with regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense.

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Ada Lovelace's short biography

In this activity, students will have to complete with Ada Lovelace's biography with regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense.

Sandra López Suárez

had translated died married supported socialized showed gave separated experienced began left was saw introduced received shared taught

A gifted mathematician , Ada Lovelace is considered to have written instructions for the first computer program in the mid - 1800s .
Who Was Ada Lovelace ?
Ada Lovelace , born as Augusta Ada Byron , was the only legitimate child of the famous poet Lord George Gordon Byron . She born in London on December 10 , 1815 . Lady Byron from her husband only weeks after their daughter was born . A few months later , Lord Byron England , and Ada never her father again . He died in Greece when Ada was 8 years old .
Ada had an unusual upbringing for an aristocratic girl in the mid - 1800s . At her mother's insistence , tutors her mathematics and science . From early on , Lovelace a talent for numbers and language . She instruction from William Frend , a social reformer ; William King , the family's doctor ; and Mary Somerville , a Scottish astronomer and mathematician .
She an article on an invention by Charles Babbage , and added her own comments . Because she many computer concepts , Ada is considered the first computer programmer .
In 1835 , Ada William King . They a love of horses and three children together . From most accounts , he his wife's academic endeavors . Ada and her husband with many of the interesting minds of the times , including scientist Michael Faraday and writer Charles Dickens .
However , Ada's health suffered after a bout of cholera in 1837 . She had lingering problems with asthma and her digestive system . Doctors her painkillers , such as laudanum and opium , and her personality to change . She reportedly mood swings and hallucinations . Ada on November 27 , 1852 .

Text taken and adapted from :
Ada Lovelace Biography . Biography . com . [ December 18 , 2018 ] Retrieved from https : / / www . biography . com / people / ada - lovelace - 2082532 3