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BC's Fight Song!

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How well do you know the lyrics of “For Boston,” BC’s fight song written by T.J. Hurley, Class of 1885? Test your knowledge by filling in the blanks in the song.

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BC's Fight Song!Versión en línea

How well do you know the lyrics of “For Boston,” BC’s fight song written by T.J. Hurley, Class of 1885? Test your knowledge by filling in the blanks in the song.

por Boston College

Right time Wisdom's echoes towers Truth

For Boston , for Boston ,
We sing our proud refrain !
For Boston , for Boston ,
'Tis earthly fane .
For here all are one
And their hearts are true ,
And the on the Heights
Reach to Heav'ns own blue .
For Boston , for Boston ,
Till the ring again !

For Boston , for Boston ,
Thy glory is our own !
For Boston , for Boston ,
'Tis here that is known .
And ever with the
Shall thy heirs be found ,
Till shall be no more
And thy work is crown'd .
For Boston , for Boston ,
For Thee and Thine alone .

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