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Grammar - Visit Manizales

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Grammar - Visit ManizalesVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps to write the correct preposition


of behind air on front in near in to cable in in next car

a . The cathedral Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Manizales is the park Simon Bolivar ,
b . Mirador de Niza is a new place in the city , It is located Milan neighborhood .
c . I often use the to get to school . It is the bus terminal .
d . I love having fun at Los Yarumos ecopark .
e . I usually go to the popular ecopark El Prado Sundays . That is the perfect place to exercise myself .
f . When I need to buy some clothe I just go to Fundadores mall because I find everything I need there .
g . Mirador de Chipre is very beautiful place to have a coffee and enjoy the view for people that love sightseeing .
h . Colonizadores monument is Chipre district . I have never gone there . I have to go soon .
i . The Torre del Cable is famous tower Manizales . That is the supermarket Carulla .
j . Sometimes I go to the stadium to watch my football team play . The stadium is my hose , so I don't have prolblems with the transport .

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