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Conversación verbo TO BE: afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo

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Importante: Recuerda tener en cuenta el contexto para saber cuando necesitas una oración afirmativa o negativa y también recuerda NO usar contracciones (isn’t o aren’t) sino la forma larga (is not / are not)

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Conversación verbo TO BE: afirmativo, negativo e interrogativoVersión en línea

Importante: Recuerda tener en cuenta el contexto para saber cuando necesitas una oración afirmativa o negativa y también recuerda NO usar contracciones (isn’t o aren’t) sino la forma larga (is not / are not)

por Capacitación GENVI

are is is not not am is is am am are Are not

Marian : Alfred , you married or single ?

Alfred : I was married for 5 years , now I single .

Marian : What about your sister Roxanne ?

Alfred : She married because she is only 2 years old . What about you ?

Marian : Well , I single but I am going to get married soon .

Alfred : Congratulation , who is the lucky guy ?

Marian : His name is Patrick . He from Poland .

Alfred : Is he as tall as you ?

Marian : No , he . He is a bit taller than you .

Alfred : You are really tall , Marian . How tall you ?

Marian : I am 1 . 87 meters tall , but I as tall as my mom .

Alfred : you serious ?

Marian : Yes , she is 1 . 97 meters tall .

Alfred : Oh yes , I remembered her . She lovel y

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