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G5S1 - Fill in the gaps (8:40-13:00)

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G5S1 - Fill in the gaps (8:40-13:00)

por Paulina Chrobak

name bright Fourteen wheelchair professional know more elephant helpful jokes brilliant finally comedy energetic cinema two lucky Best fantastic lift shoulder today because Thank people stand event pool

Simon : Hello .
Jack : Hello .
S : What's your ?
J : My name's Jack .
S : Jack ?
J : Carol .
S : And how old are you ?
J : Fourteen . years
S : And tell us something about you .
J : Emm . I'm a gymnast .
- - -
J : My name's Jack Carol . I'm 14 . And I'm gonna be doing a bit of stand - up . I've had cerebral palsy since I was born . And , yeah . Basically , still got it . It won't go away .
Dad : It's impossible for him to move around without some kind of aid , either a or a walking prim . That seems to be the least of his worries . His big worries are whether his jokes make laugh or not .
J : I use my cerebral palsy in my act , because in comedy a lot of times your weaknesses are your strengths . It's like the in the room . And then , when you mention it they go ? and then can relax and enjoy the rest of the funny .
Mum : He wants to make people laugh . And he wants to make something of his life .
I'm not looking to help people in need I'm a horrible selfish individual but if people do find some comfort and some inspiration of what I do , then . Bonus . I'm never gonna be Usain Bolt , that's sorted . But maybe I can focus on my strengths which is you know . . bring joy to the world .
- - -
S : All right . of luck .
J : Cheers .
Don't worry . I know what you're thinking . Harry Potter's had a nasty Quiddich accident .
Do you what I can't stand ? !
Sorry , sorry . Let me emphasise . Do you know what ? I can't .
Well , look on the side . I've never had to queue at Disneyland .
Now , I'm just gonna throw this claim around there . If I do get too , please stop me . I want to keep my benefits . Otherwise , how would I heat the Jacuzzi ?
I'm joking . I'm joking . It's a .
I was at the seeing the new James Bond film the other day . And then , it got me thinking , you know , maybe I would've liked to have had a girl , you know , being James Bond but obviously I'm a bit inhibited . Aha . Mr Bond I've been expecting you . . Ekhem ? No .
But this isn't the first Britain's got talent I've been to . I was actually at the live tour in Manchester fairly enough years ago . And the staff they couldn't have been more . Moving people out the way , getting to his seat . And then , when we got there the view was just . And we sat down . And my sister , she tapped my on the , I turned around , and I'll never forget this as long as I live . She said : ? We are so you're disabled . '
You cannot take her anywhere . you very much . I've been Jack Carroll . Goodbye .
( applause )
Standing ovations as well .

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