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Dating Violence

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Dating ViolenceVersión en línea

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por Andrea Baez

abusive protection emotional beliefs serious have want others abuse lies Throwing hurt include weapon boys violence

Dating happens to and girls and can involve physical , emotional or sexual .
Abusive behaviors may the following .
Physical abuse :
? Hitting
? Shaking
? things
? Pushing
? Biting
? Using a
Emotional abuse :
? Ignoring a date's feelings
? Insulting a date's or values
? Name - calling
? Isolating a dating partner from
? Telling
? Keeping a date from leaving
? Threatening to oneself
Sexual abuse :
? Forcing a date to sex
? Forcing someone to have sex without
? Forcing a date to do other sexual things he or she doesn't to do
It's important to realize that an boyfriend or girlfriend can use physical or attacks and that emotional abuse can be as as physical abuse .

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