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express location of the verb t

Completar frases

The activity of completing is to add the missing words to a paragraph or phrase, which we previously deleted.

There are 2 methods to fill in the gaps:

Clicking on the words that are shown in the bottom part in an orderly manner. If you are wrong you must click on the wrong word in the sentence.
Writing in each hole the word through the keyboard.
The activity of completing at times will be very simple since we only have to complete a gap. At other times it can be much more complex and entertaining to have to completely order a sentence in which we give the single words must form it completely.

This activity is widely used for language courses and for children's classes.

It is also interesting to consolidate ideas and definitions in more serious contexts, where we must completely form the sentence.

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Completar frases

express location of the verb tVersión en línea

The activity of completing is to add the missing words to a paragraph or phrase, which we previously deleted. There are 2 methods to fill in the gaps: Clicking on the words that are shown in the bottom part in an orderly manner. If you are wrong you must click on the wrong word in the sentence. Writing in each hole the word through the keyboard. The activity of completing at times will be very simple since we only have to complete a gap. At other times it can be much more complex and entertaining to have to completely order a sentence in which we give the single words must form it completely. This activity is widely used for language courses and for children's classes. It is also interesting to consolidate ideas and definitions in more serious contexts, where we must completely form the sentence.

por 6 de informatica

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I am in .
Mary is
The dog is
I am studying in the
The pencil
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The car is in the

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