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Complete with Phrasal Verbs

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Read the whole text. Click on the words to complete the spaces. You have to complete them in order, i.e. you cannot avoid one space to complete it later.

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Complete with Phrasal VerbsVersión en línea

Read the whole text. Click on the words to complete the spaces. You have to complete them in order, i.e. you cannot avoid one space to complete it later.

por Dana Rossi

hold bringing broke away up back back been up is on keeping to hold has keeping keep

Lucy is so quiet today . And she does not want to tell me what is wrong ! She something . I think it is because she with her boyfriend Joe last week . When somebody mentions him , she looks down in attempt to her tears . Her friend Sue gave her some good advice the other day . " There are plenty more fish in the sea , " Sue said . But Lucy doesn ? t seem to that belief . So far , she from the places he usually goes to . I wish I could tell her this situation will not last forever and that she has to being happy . The only thing I can do right now is to tell everyone in the office to avoid this issue . I hope that helps .

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