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Digital TwinVersión en línea

12 buzzwords IT

por Bia Aguiar

supply Basically chain current sort version allowing assembly what work taken increase then run without getting already would often improvements if choices get

Imagine you had a digital version of yourself that you could tests on to see how your life turn out according to different you made . So , you want to see that move to Paris would have been like ? Or how that extra degree would have affected your state of affairs ?

A digital twin is of like that , but for chains and industrial applications . , the technology works by " building " a virtual of a factory , or a wind turbine , or an element in a supply . This digital twin can be subjected to tests designed to efficiency without doing any physical . The digital twin also can data from sensors on the physical twin , monitoring of equipment safety and status physically checking the equipment as .

This technology is already being used in CAD 3D models and manufacturing simulations , but in 2017 things are going to be further , and results are being seen . As GE reports , Black & Decker is using digital twins on one of their factory ? s lines , leading to a " labor utilization of 12% , and a 10% increase in throughput . "

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