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Be able to. Advanced level

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Complete the sentences with the words given

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Be able to. Advanced levelVersión en línea

Complete the sentences with the words given

por Julia Kulcsar

being were been should could cannot been be can might able unable

1 . Application time is over . However , you still be able to apply if somebody cancels .

2 . I wish I able to see his face when he opens the present .

3 . Are you sure this is the edited version of the document ? I tell the difference .

4 . I've learned in my life that it's important to able to step outside your comfort zone .

5 . Apparently he read and write by the age of four .

6 . This isn't a difficult task , so you be able to complete it by Friday .

7 . I see you've made an effort , and I'm sure the board will agree .

8 . I wanted to tell her the truth , maybe if I'd able to , we would have been happier .

9 . Jeff was never to hide his true feelings when it came to Melissa .

10 . He was to grasp the concept of teamwork .

11 . I've never able to understand why some people are always late .

12 . Scientists are getting creepily close to able to read our minds ( newspaper headline )

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