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Modal verbs: mixed exercise

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Dear students, in this exercise of modal verbs, you are asked to choose between all of the modal verbs we have been studying so far and of course, also their negative counterparts. To be precise, you can choose between: can, could, may, might, must, need, to have to, cannot, could not, may not, might not, must not and need not. You can fill out this exercise at your own pace, there is no time limit set. Have fun !

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
24 veces realizada

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Modal verbs: mixed exerciseVersión en línea

Dear students, in this exercise of modal verbs, you are asked to choose between all of the modal verbs we have been studying so far and of course, also their negative counterparts. To be precise, you can choose between: can, could, may, might, must, need, to have to, cannot, could not, may not, might not, must not and need not. You can fill out this exercise at your own pace, there is no time limit set. Have fun !

por Mieke Mussely

may have could not can Could might not cannot Could could must to might must cannot not can not need May might might cannot

1 . The workload is huge at the office this week , so my boss demands I work long hours every single day .
2 . I stop smoking soon , I find it way too expensive to buy these cigarettes !
3 . The Wifi on my new smartphone works brilliantly , I use it just anywhere !
4 . you repeat your question again , please , sir ? I hear it properly .
5 . My father buys a lottery ticket every single week , who knows , he be lucky one day !
6 . You have gone to the airport so early , it's not required by the airline to be there such a long time in advance before your flight is due .
7 . You eat an ice cone on the train , it's prohibited !
8 . I have an appointment at the dentist's for a tooth extraction . I think it hurt quite a bit .
9 . I even run two metres since I had my leg surgery .
10 . the best team win tonight's World Cup finals ! !
11 . Grandpa obviously hear a word I'm saying anymore , he forgot his hearing device .
12 . You be so lucky this time to pass your exams without studying , you study some more this time !
13 . My mother is originally from Sweden , so of course she speak Swedish next to Dutch . As a young child , she also learned Finnish at school , so she speak this language too . Unfortunately , she has not spoken Finnish in the past 30 years or so , so she speak this language anymore .
14 . This is already my brother's third attempt at succeeding in his driver's exam , who knows , he make it this time , although I am not so sure !
15 . we pass through this entrance instead of the main gate , please ?

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