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Modal verbs: must, need....

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Dear students, in this exercise, you will be tested about your knowledge of the modal verbs 'must', 'need', 'to have to' and the negative form 'must not'. In order to fill out the blanks, you are asked to click on the correct form. There is no time limit to make this exercise. Enjoy !

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Modal verbs: must, need....

Dear students, in this exercise, you will be tested about your knowledge of the modal verbs 'must', 'need', 'to have to' and the negative form 'must not'. In order to fill out the blanks, you are asked to click on the correct form. There is no time limit to make this exercise. Enjoy !

Mieke Mussely

have has have must need to to need to not must must have must to need

1 . I have a medical exam for my sports club . As the insurance company demands , the nurse draw some blood as well .
2 . I did not get a chance to study much last night , so I really catch up with my exam revision this morning .
3 . You absolutely stop skipping school , otherwise you will repeat your entire year .
4 . Oh no , where are my car keys ? I have left them on the kitchen table inside .
5 . You go to Iran on a holiday by yourself , that is way too dangerous !
6 . Do you still not understand what I have just told you ? Do I really to repeat it to you again ?
7 . My plane for Chicago leaves at 10 o'clock , so I be at the airport at 7 o'clock at the latest .
8 . My teacher thinks I to spend some time in an English - speaking country to improve my oral language skills .
9 . I really to ask my mother's permission if I can come to your party tonight .