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A short description of London

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A short description of London

por Kinga Mojsiewicz

Great Egyptian historic hotels London fashionable tallest second painting bobby libraries Church Britain books crown

London is the capital of . It is one of the greatest cities in the world . It is an important business and financial centre . It is an intellectual centre , too .

Everywhere in , there are open spaces : Hyde Park and Regent Park are the largest .

The City is the oldest part of London . It stretches from Fleet Street to the Tower on the North Bank of the Thames . It is the main business centre of Britain .

The West End lies between Fleet Street and Hyde Park . It is a residential district . It contains the most expensive and restaurants . We find the most shops there . There are many place of interest such as Big Ben in the clock Tower , Buckingham palace , the principal London Residence of the Queen , museums , galleries and the University of London .

The East End includes large industrial areas and the port of London . It is the largest port in the world .

The most famous building in London is the Tower of London . There are still traces of the Roman wall . The principal attraction is the jewels .

The second largest Christian in the world after St Peter's in Rome is St Paul's Cathedral . Its dome is 120 m high . Famous for its whispering gallery .

The building in the capital and in Britain is The Post Office Tower . It is 187 m high .

The most important gallery in London is The National Gallery . It contains a rich collection of famous .

One of the greatest in the world is the British Museum . It contains rare and fabulous collections , old drawing , prints . . . There are , Greek and Roman antiquities .

Finally if you want to know the time or the way to the station , ask a or the London bobby . You will never forget his humour and patient . Bobbies are the friendliest policeman in the world .

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