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ChristmasVersión en línea


por Anna Gabrielli

busy stockings December decorations crackers nativity Britain coin Tree Carols pudding luck Father

Christmas is a very important festival in . The preparations for Christmas begin early . Christmas things start to appear in the shops in the autumn , and most British towns put up Christmas at the start of . The shops in Britain are very in December .
People buy cards , presents and decorations . Some people make their own Christmas cakes and puddings , and other people order food especially for Christmas Day . Churches have special decorations at Christmas , and you can always find a crib , a scene , inside .
Many British people go to church in December . There are special services when people sing carols . are Christmas songs .
In large shops and shopping centres children can visit Christmas or Santa Claus and receive a present before Christmas Day . Carol singing is a British tradition at Christmas time . Carol singers sing in the streets . They usually collect money for charity . British children hang up on Christmas Eve . They believe that Father Christmas fills them with small presents .
In Britain people put their Christmas presents under the Christmas , but they don't open them until Christmas Day . Many people invite family and friends to spend Christmas Day with them . Families open their presents together on Christmas morning . British people eat Christmas dinner at lunch - time on Christmas Day .
A traditional Christmas dinner consists of turkey with roast potatoes and lots of different vegetables . British people pull when they eat a Christmas meal . Crackers contain a small present , a paper hat and a joke . Christmas dinner ends with a traditional Christmas .
Christmas puddings are full of dried fruit . It is traditional to pour brandy on a Christmas pudding and light it before you bring it to the table . Christmas puddings often contain a silver . If you find a coin in your pudding , it brings you good .

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