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Inter 1 L2 U4 VideoQuiz

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Inter 1 L2 U4 VideoQuizVersión en línea

Watch the video and complete this summary.

por José Rojas

month science classic drama computer white month week romantic scared doesn't dull phone effects often week her audience once foreign bigger horror opportunity cultures doesn't likes likes comedy like a two happy

1 . Person n° 1 likes films because he to get scared . He probably downloads or three movies a on his . He goes to the movie theater or twice a . He likes that the special effects are there .
2 . Person n° 2 likes and movies because they make her . She thriller movies because she doesn't like to feel . She download movies to computer five or six times a . She goes to the theater once month because she sharing the experience with an .
3 . Person n° 3 likes fiction movies because they take you to another world . He like historical because they are . He watches movies on his computer . He likes to go to the movie because it's an to go out at night .
4 . Person n° 4 likes films to see people in other . She also likes and old black and movies . She frequently watches movies on her around one or two a . She goes to the movies once or twice a month . She likes the special .

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