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Lost In the Supermarket

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Music From The Clash

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Lost In the Supermarket Versión en línea

Music From The Clash

por Diego Cavazotti

Guaranteed happily special special seemed supermarket lonely offer supermarket Guaranteed scarily company packets offer feeling happily Personality empty Personality shop silence save bottle programs suburbs shop coupons tea

I'm all lost in the
I can no longer
I came in here for that

I wasn't born so much as I fell out
Nobody to notice me
We had a hedge back home in the
Over which I never could see

I heard the people who lived on the ceiling
Scream and fight most
Hearing that noise was my first ever
That's how it's been all around me

( chorous )
I'm all lost in the
I can no longer
I came in here for that

I'm all tuned in , I see all the
I from of
I've got my giant hit discotheque album
I a and I feel a bit free

The kids in the halls and the pipes in the walls
Make me noises for
Long distance callers make long distance calls
And the makes me

( chorous )

And it's not here
It disappea r

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