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CleopatraVersión en línea

fill in the blanks

por Elena Chepkunova

demise about history 'Queen most Kings' to notorious

Cleopatra is one of the most famous , respected , and figures in books . Often referred as the 'Queen of and the of the Nile , ' she is still one of the spoken - rulers of the world , even centuries after her .


years known throne alongside

In fact , Cleopatra was as a powerful Egyptian Pharaoh . Queen Cleopatra stepped on the when she was just 18 old and ruled the kingdom her brother , Ptolemy XIII .


daughter together location was partner three

Cleopatra was infamous for her mystical beauty , intelligence , and charm . She was Mark Antony's for about 11 years , and they had children together ; twin sons , Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphos , and their , Cleopatra Selene II . It believed that Cleopatra and Mark Antony were later buried . However , the exact of their tombs was never known , albeit frequently speculated .


was ruled famous by

When Cleopatra Egypt , the Goddess Isis was one of the most hailed and rulers . It also believed that Cleopatra herself was impressed the healing powers of Isis .

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