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Adjectives B1+ | TextVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

leave wondering dissatisfied composed hope questioning sociable numbing

Every Monday morning , I feel drained before I even my bed . My tiny dog , Max , is full of energy , running around like he drank five cups of coffee . Meanwhile , I just sit there , staring at my cold coffee , if waking up was a bad idea .

At work , my boss gives me a mind - task ? counting paperclips . Seriously , who even needs that many paperclips ? I try to stay , but after an hour , I start my life choices .

During lunch , my coworker , Lisa , talks to everyone . She even knows the janitor ? s cat ? s birthday ! Meanwhile , I just nod and she doesn ? t ask me anything .

At the end of the day , I feel with my productivity , but at least I survived another Monday . That ? s a win , right ?

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