The
importance
of
body
language
Imagine
yourself
giving
a
presentation
.
.
.
everyone
is
looking
at
you
,
but
you
just
realized
that
you
forgot
to
brush
your
teeth
after
breakfast
?
now
you
feel
-
.
.
.
what
if
there
is
a
piece
of
lettuce
right
on
your
front
teeth
?
How
can
you
smile
now
?
You
try
not
to
show
your
pearly
whites
while
you
smile
,
but
pretend
to
be
confident
and
in
control
.
.
.
or
not
?
smile
says
to
the
world
you
are
nervous
,
uncomfortable
,
and
definitely
not
in
control
.
That
simple
gesture
may
kill
your
presentation
,
even
if
you
are
an
expert
on
the
topic
.
Your
gestures
may
say
more
than
your
actual
words
.
So
,
how
can
you
master
your
body
language
?
First
of
all
,
know
the
material
.
You
have
to
be
able
to
explain
your
topic
,
but
not
because
you
memorized
every
single
word
.
Fully
understanding
the
information
you
want
to
present
will
make
it
easier
for
you
to
just
say
it
.
Have
a
couple
of
practice
sessions
at
home
,
avoid
crossing
your
arms
so
you
are
not
perceived
as
.
Choose
open
gestures
that
involve
your
head
,
arms
,
and
hands
.
Practice
makes
perfect
,
so
the
more
you
practice
,
the
more
natural
it
will
be
.
Second
,
your
image
can
boost
your
confidence
.
Make
sure
you
wear
professional
clothes
that
make
you
feel
comfortable
?
and
by
comfortable
mean
:
in
control
.
Your
outfit
must
be
classic
,
not
too
modern
,
in
good
condition
,
and
clean
.
Pay
close
attention
to
your
hair
,
nails
,
and
shoes
.
Look
at
yourself
in
the
mirror
and
be
sure
you
like
what
you
see
.
If
you
know
you
look
good
,
it
will
show
in
the
way
you
move
,
and
people
around
you
will
certainly
that
.
And
of
course
,
don't
forget
to
brush
your
teeth
,
because
,
you
know
?
Now
that
you
have
the
perfect
outfit
that
makes
you
feel
strong
,
let's
talk
about
the
presentation
.
If
it
is
in
your
country
to
welcome
the
attendees
,
make
sure
you
greet
them
with
a
firm
,
but
not
too
strong
handshake
?
you
don't
want
to
be
too
dominant
.
Avoid
kisses
and
hugs
because
you
don't
want
to
be
disrespectful
to
anyone
.
You
can
even
add
a
nice
comment
about
the
weather
or
a
sports
event
just
to
let
everyone
know
how
relaxed
you
are
.
If
you
are
used
to
,
don't
sit
down
,
stand
up
.
Nothing
says
more
:
"
am
nervous
and
impatient
"
than
fidgeting
.
Once
you
are
ready
and
standing
in
front
of
your
audience
,
don't
take
a
deep
breath
,
just
start
talking
.
Open
with
a
greeting
while
you
look
at
everyone
,
add
more
power
to
your
body
language
with
a
great
smile
,
make
eye
contact
,
stand
up
straight
,
don't
,
walk
around
the
room
.
Remember
:
open
gestures
like
opening
your
arms
will
make
others
remember
what
you
say
more
easily
,
and
when
someone
else
makes
a
comment
will
show
you
are
paying
attention
.
Pointing
at
the
material
and
looking
at
it
will
help
you
direct
your
audience
attention
to
something
else
that
is
not
you
?
so
you
can
have
a
break
.
that
no
one
is
perfect
,
so
if
they
ask
you
something
you
don't
know
,
avoid
biting
your
nails
or
touching
your
face
.
Admit
that
you
don't
know
while
you
look
directly
at
them
,
and
then
you
can
say
something
like
:
"
That's
a
great
question
,
actually
don't
know
the
answer
to
that
,
but
why
don't
we
google
it
?
"
or
any
other
joke
you
can
prepare
in
advance
.
Giving
a
presentation
is
not
something
everyone
was
born
for
,
but
it
is
something
you
can
learn
to
enjoy
if
you
teach
your
body
to
do
the
talking
for
you
.
Let's
check
what
you
can
remember
!