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13-2 Economic Systems & Labor MarketsVersión en línea
S.3.6 Identify the major agents of socialization and evaluate the role each plays (family, play group, peer group, school, mass media, job, religion, total institutions, including re-socialization).
S.7.5 Examine one or more important social institutions (such as marriage, family, education, health care,
Judicial system, religion) and their functions for society; consider how conflict theory sees the institution.
A government can step in and make a company break up into smaller companies, if that company has created a _____ in the economy. A [same] is when a company has no competition and can charge higher prices without worrying about losing customers.
Almost all employment in America can be found in the _____ _____ , like doctors, managers, and computer programmers.
Two economic models include: 1) socialism, which promotes equality, 2) capitalism, which promotes _____ .
A _____ is an organization that exists as legal entities and has liabilities that are separate from its members. It will impact the next economic revolution.
During the industrial revolution, one of the main economic models is _____ , where individuals can own private property and start their own businesses.
The next economic revolution will take place on a _____ _____ , because corporations will be involved and because corporations do business internationally, with buildings in multiple countries.
Industrial revolution brought many improvements to society, but one negative was economic inequality. This prompted workers to form _____ ____ , so they could have safer working conditions and more money.
After the agrarian and industrial revolution, the world experienced the _____ revolution, which we are in currently and which is related to ideas and computers.
When people stopped working at home & making products from start to finish, and started working in factories on one part of a product, this was known as the rise of _____ .
Most socialist economies have either failed or cannot produce as much as capitalist economies, However, one negative of capitalist economies is the _____ _____ they create.
The first economic revolution was the _____ revolution, which was more productive than the hunter-gather economies, because you could raise and plant your food, instead of hunting and gathering it.
The Soviet Union used a socialist economy and eventually failed, because their economic _____ was 3 times less than capitalist countries like the United States.
Economies are divided into three sectors: If you have a job where you are paid for providing _____ , such as computer programing or legal advice, this is known as the tertiary sector. No product is actually produced.
Socialism created inequality just like capitalism, but instead of economic differences creating the inequality, the inequality was created by the _____ , which became very powerful and controlled everything.
Economies are divided into three sectors: If your job requires you to produce _____ _____ from raw materials, such as making furniture out of wood, this is called the secondary sector. You turn natural resources into useful products.
Two economic models include: 1) socialism, which promotes _____ , 2) capitalism, which promotes individual profits.
Economies are divided into three sectors: If your job requires you to collect _____ _____ out of
forests or mountains, such as harvesting trees as lumber, this is the primary sector. You sell natural resources without changing them.
During the industrial revolution, one of the main economic models is _____ , where all business are controlled by the government.
The economy is a social institution that organizes all _____ , _____ , and trade of goods in a society.
America is not completely capitalist, because sometimes the governments does interfere in the economy (a little), such as requiring businesses to abide by _____ ____ , or requiring them to pay a minimum wage.