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Cellulitis and Erysipela

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Cellulitis and ErysipelaVersión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Renato Schiavo

spread bright management feature deeper layers patch Whether graft pathway likely multitude upper

Cellulitis and Erysipela : Pathogenesis and Management
Cellulitis and erysipela are common skin infections that involve the lower of the skin . Cellulitis is typically a infection of the subcutaneous tissue , while erysipela primarily affects the layer of the skin , particularly the dermis . Both conditions often present with a red , inflamed of skin , but erysipela is more to present with well - defined borders , a key of the condition .

The of infection usually begins when bacteria , most commonly Streptococcus or Staphylococcus , enter the skin through a break , such as a cut , ulcer , or insect bite . The infection can elsewhere in the body if not properly treated . Cellulitis tends to affect a of tissue layers , and assessment involves evaluating the extent of the infection , whether it has spread , and the patient ? s overall condition .

In terms of , early intervention with antibiotics is crucial to prevent complications . Severe cases may require surgical intervention or a to repair damaged tissue . Infected areas may be monitored closely , and if necessary , drainage of any abscesses may be performed . Deeper infections require a more aggressive approach to ensure full recovery and prevent the infection from spreading .

Though cellulitis and erysipela are similar , recognizing the differences in their presentations is important for effective treatment . treated conservatively or with surgical intervention , managing these infections in a timely manner is essential for minimizing risks to the patient ? s health .

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