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Technical Materials and Properties of materials

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It is a game of completing sentences about technical materials and properties of the materials.

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Technical Materials and Properties of materialsVersión en línea

It is a game of completing sentences about technical materials and properties of the materials.


Plastics wires plastic poisonous Chemical conductors wool electrical BIODEGRADABILITY density RECYCLABILITY trees atmosphere insulators from wood bottle

- processes , which involve new substances that were not present in the original raw material .
Wood comes from and a desk is made out of . come oil and a of water is made out of .
Copper comes from mines and electrical are made out of copper .
Wool comes from sheep and a sweater is made out of .
Metals are good conductors but wood , plastics or ceramics materials are called electrical because they are not good of electricity .
Although both pieces have a similar volume , the wooden block has a higher than the sponge .
Materials ability to be reused avoiding the accumulation of waste materials .
The quality of materials to be for the environment ( they can contaminate the soil , the water and the )
Materials ability to


atmosphere insulators wool bottle wood wires electrical trees Chemical Plastics RECYCLABILITY BIODEGRADABILITY poisonous plastic density from conductors

- processes , which involve new substances that were not present in the original raw material .
Wood comes from and a desk is made out of . come oil and a of water is made out of .
Copper comes from mines and electrical are made out of copper .
Wool comes from sheep and a sweater is made out of .
Metals are good conductors but wood , plastics or ceramics materials are called electrical because they are not good of electricity .
Although both pieces have a similar volume , the wooden block has a higher than the sponge .
Materials ability to be reused avoiding the accumulation of waste materials .
The quality of materials to be for the environment ( they can contaminate the soil , the water and the )
Materials ability to

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