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Lesson 1.1b Life Cycle of a Star

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Reading Assiognment. Read the article on the life cycle of a star before completing this assignment.

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Lesson 1.1b Life Cycle of a StarVersión en línea

Reading Assiognment. Read the article on the life cycle of a star before completing this assignment.

por Eric D Norman

iron nebula condenses Neutron star supernova supernova Hydrogen T-Tauri Phase gravity energy Main Sequence Star Blackhole protostar cooler collapse Supergiant nebula Main Sequence Star Red Giant Helieum

All stars start as a . A is a large cloud of gas and dust . Gravity can pull some of the gas and dust in a nebula together . The contracting cloud is then called a . A protostar is the earliest stage of a star ? s life . A star is born when the gas and dust from a nebula into the center during the . Once a star has " turned on " , start using Hydrogen as fuel , it is known as a . In a the protons of hydrogen are converted into atoms of . This process gives off a tremendous amount of that creates an outward pressure that counteracts the inward pressure caused by . When a Main Sequence Star begins to run out of fuel , the star becomes a or a . Red giants have surfaces than the main - sequence star , and because of this , they appear red rather than yellow . When hydrogen runs out , helium is used . When helium runs out the next highest element is used , until appears at the core . The iron fusion reaction absorbs energy , which causes the core to in on itself . This implosion transforms massive stars into a . During a , dust and gas is thrown out into space , while the core is condensed into either a or a .

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