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Fill in the Blanks: Understanding WOULD and USED TO

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Test your knowledge of past habits with this engaging fill-in-the-blanks game!

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Fill in the Blanks: Understanding WOULD and USED TOVersión en línea

Test your knowledge of past habits with this engaging fill-in-the-blanks game!

por Alex Garcia

actions changed storytelling child play past WOULD habits context USED situation true

and TO are both used to talk about or repeated . However , they have different uses and meanings . 'Would' is often used to describe past actions that were habitual or repeated , especially in . For example , you might say , 'When I was a , I would outside every day . ' This indicates a regular activity in the past . On the other hand , 'used to' is used to express something that was in the past but is no longer true . For instance , 'I used to live in New York' means that living in New York was a past that has . While both can refer to past habits , 'would' is more about actions , while 'used to' focuses on states or situations . It's important to choose the correct phrase based on the of what you want to convey about the past .

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