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Possessive adjectives 2

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Students have to complete the dialogue using possessive adjectives.

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Possessive adjectives 2Versión en línea

Students have to complete the dialogue using possessive adjectives.

por Juan Didiel Vega Villafaña

Aneta : What is name ?

Carlo : name is Carlo . I ? m from Italy .

Aneta : Nice to meet you , Carlo . I ? m Aneta . Welcome to English Class !

Carlo : Who are ?

Aneta : are students .

Carlo : What are names ?

Aneta : names are Pablo and Maria .

Carlo : How old is Pablo ?

Aneta : I think is about 30 .

Carlo : And where is Maria from ?

Aneta : is from Spain . hometown is Madrid .

Carlo : And who is that man ?

Aneta : He ? s English teacher . name is John .


Kelly : Hi Lawrence , how is family doing ?

Lawrence : Hi Kelly . Thank you for asking . My family is great ! We moved into new house last weekend . We very excited .

Kelly : Wow ! Congratulations . How do you like your neighborhood ? it nice ?

Lawrence : We love neighborhood . The neighbors friendly . They have a nice , beautiful dog .

Kelly : What is the name of dog ?

Lawrence : name is Sofia .

Kelly : And new house ? Do you like it ?

Lawrence : Yes . It very comfortable for me and family . We excited for future there .

Kelly : Awesome ! Great seeing you . I hope all the best for you and your family .

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