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Advanced Vocabulary | Story

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Advanced Vocabulary | StoryVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the appropriate words

por Ruslana Purik

glaringly self address misinterpret ambiguous absent tight absent

Sophia worked as a project manager for a marketing company , and her team had been struggling with deadlines . One morning , during a team meeting , it became obvious that a major campaign issue had been overlooked . A critical email from the client , outlining changes to the project , had been sitting in her inbox for days , unread . This was a mishap caused by her recent - mindedness ? she ? d been juggling too many tasks at once .

" I think we need to this issue right away , " Sophia said , trying to maintain her composure . " We ? ll need to rework the campaign strategy . " The instructions in the email were precise , but some parts felt , leaving the team unsure about how to proceed .

Sophia decided to contact the client for clarification . " Your feedback is appreciated , but could you explain this part in more detail ? It ? s not entirely - explanatory , " she wrote in her reply . The client responded promptly , making it virtually impossible to the instructions this time .

Later that day , the team stayed late to fix the problem . While the mishap had caused unnecessary stress , Sophia realized it was a valuable lesson in time management and communication . From that moment on , she promised herself to double - check her inbox and avoid being - minded when deadlines were approaching .

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