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The man with the golden voice

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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The man with the golden voice

Watch the video then fill in the blanks

david archambaud

Brooklyn dollar 98 drugs over field actor love homeless sign handwritten school radio live voice back hoping sounded hopefully tickets chance alcohol voice personality freeway announcers clean trip back

There are often people asking for change at exit ramps , but recently there's been this guy with an interesting at i71 and Hudson Street . His sign says he has the God - given gift of a great .

« Hey , we'll make you work for your . Say something with that great voice .  »
« When you're listening to nothing but the best of oldies , you're listening to Magic . 9 .
Thank you so much . God bless you  . Thank you
And we'll be with more right after these words .  
And don't forget tomorrow morning is your to win a pair of to see this man in concert  . Thank you so much .  »

« When I was fourteen years old - I was born and raised in , New York , but at fourteen I kind of listened to one of our area radio and err I went as a to go meet the guy and he looked nothing like what he like so I asked him about that . He said to me : « listen , radio is defined Theater of Mind » . And so , when he said Theater of Mind I could say but hey , I can't be an , I can't be an on - air but the voice just became something of a ? Of a development over the years and I went to for it and then and and a few other things became part of my life and ? I have two years , and I'm trying hard to get it , and , somebody from one of these television or radio say hey , I need a - or I need something . So , you know I'm one day ? Watch Family Guy week nights at 7 : 30 on Fox 28 ? anything but that's what it is , and I radio .