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IELTS writing Environment

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IELTS writing EnvironmentVersión en línea

Task 2

por Anastasia

different examine the main causes massive possible Despite

knowing about biodiversity ? s importance for a long time , human activity has been causing extinctions of species . This essay will of loss of biodiversity and solutions of this problem .


cutting down the trees habitats For example altering main causes In other words extinction exhausted overexploitation

The two of species are change of their and of natural resources . When humans artificially transform the environment , they destroy vegetation and animals ? natural habitat . For instance , to build new roads people are and cementing the soil , the environment . Because of that , a lot of species are dying out . Also , when the activities connected with capturing and harvesting a natural resource are too intense in a particular area , the resource becomes . , too frequent fishing doesn ? t leave enough time for fish to reproduce and makes them disappear . , human activities often deplete local flora and fauna and cause loss of bio - diversity .


untouched possible solutions avoiding prevent species from conscious

Some to this problem are protecting natural areas and promoting awareness among people . By protecting areas where human activity is limited and overexploitation of its resources , we can save the environment and dying out . Moreover , the next step in fighting bio - diversity loss is informing the general population about the dangers of this problem . This way , people will be more of the environment and won ? t overuse or destroy its resources .


To conclude negative impact enlightening However lessen

, people ? s activities that change the environment have on the world's ecosystem . , we can significantly the extinction of species by protecting natural areas and people as to this problem .

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